Here are some images provided by Jide: File Manager Notification Center to utilize wide screen System Tray Taskbar and Start Menu OTA Updates Note that you might find them not-so-special from the desktop OS point of view, but think of it as a mobile OS to understand the importance of a simple feature like the taskbar or right-click feature. Compatible with Microsoft Office (thanks to MS Office’s Android version).Keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+S, Ctrl+C etc.Right0side verticle notification bar (similar to Mac OS X).Talking about features, here are some of the main highlights of Remix OS 2.0. Remix OS 2.0 supports 32 bit architecture so you can revive your old computer with it. This means that you can download and install it on any computer. The OS will be available for everyone to download for free. Moreover, Remix OS 2.0 is not restricted to just Jide’s own hardware such as Remix Mini.